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A good career demands time and energy

All of us want to have a remarkable career, isn’t it?

In fact, there are three major areas in life and career is just one of them, together with health and relationships. Nevertheless, all three have one thing in common. All three require a lot of time and energy and none of these requires a lot of money.

Let’s talk specifically on careers!

Some of your peers may tell you that you can have a great career if you have spent a lot of money on fancy college education. But, this is not always true. The fact of the matter is, you may need to spend a lot of money on acquiring fancy education if you have not spent quality time and energy on your education.  Money can only help you to ‘cover-up’, to some extent. It is not ‘THE’ most important factor that can ensure a great career.Good Career

Yes, money can give shortcuts and ‘quick-fix’ solutions and this is the reason why most people chase money, all the time. But, these solutions never stand the ‘test of time’. People continue to chase money until they realize the chase was never worth the troubles they took, all the while. Money can never buy what time and energy can bring in to your career and this is where money loses out when it comes to utility. Money was and will never be ‘THE’ solution to the core problems in life.

Therefore, rather than spending money unnecessarily, we should spend quality time and energy on building real skills. Acquiring real skills can only guarantee you a satisfying and rewarding career. However, be mindful of the fact that you do not have time and energy in abundance. They are a ‘bunch of precious commodities ‘and hence, are way more valuable than money. Therefore, take ‘measured steps’, while spending time and energy on matters related to your career!

You may also like to read this blog post about Overcome Obstacles – Focus on what you are good at

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