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Is Leadership an Art or a Science?

Let’s get it straight! Leadership has a direct role to play in shaping outcomes of businesses, and livelihoods for that matter. And, with this immense power, questions of integrity and leadership ethics may also surface from time to time. Therefore, it’s the need of the hour to have a close look at how leaders can impact people through their actions and decisions.

So, what does leadership mean to many of us? Well, to put it simply, it’s the art of convincing people to do things in a certain way, willingly. And you will be surprised to know that this ‘art’ cuts across cultures, business, race, religion, age and situation.

Are you a leader? Yes we all are.

The moment you get someone to guide or motivate, you become a leader, technically. This ‘someone’ can be anyone. Be it your employee, child, a volunteer or a citizen. You will be responsible to build his/her capacity so that he/she can accomplish a task, project or activity.leadership

Don’t be under an illusion! You are not responsible for the end result alone. Rather, you are also there for providing the vision, strategy, resource, training and inspiration to your team so that it can perform to its best potential.

Doesn’t seem easy, does it?

But, one great thing about leadership is that it’s learnable. And, that’s why; it has been an art, rather than a science. You can become a great leader if you can learn to recognize the ability in people.

Leadership is the application of 3 fundamental characteristics:

  • Knowledge – With required information and wisdom, you need to convince and influence people to accomplish their tasks.
  • Courage – Your courage ( moral or physical) would inspire people to accomplish tasks willingly
  • Compassion – It’s all about treating people with all the care, right and decency they deserve. It will earn you the respect and sacrifice of people.

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