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7 Steps to Build an Awesome Personal Brand

In this present world, it goes without saying that every individual should acquire his or her own personal brand. Building a personal brand can help in searching a better job, promotion or growing one’s own network. To reach personal goals, individuals need to market themselves in a manner similar to how marketers often do to market their services and products. In order to succeed and build a good brand, one should follow these seven steps to start with.

Personal branding

Personal branding

STEP ONE: Intent & Preference to increase one’s values and enthusiasm

In the path of living and working, value is a primary factor. Value reflects an individual’s character and analyses one’s priorities. Family, community, friends, honesty, ambition, etc are some of the examples of values. If an individual is facing difficulties he can rely on his value system to overcome all obstacles.

If a company is hiring a candidate, his values must match that of the company’s. While searching for a job, values play a vital part in. Priority given to an individual’s value will help to build a personal brand.

PASSION: Passion is required to enhance an individual’s personal brand. Both personal and professional values should be identified before building a personal brand. Technology, designing, robotization are some examples of professional passions while family, golfing, surfing are some examples of personal passions.

To make an ideal career path, values and passions are the mediums to help determine where an individual is actually willing to go.

STEP TWO: genetic characteristics

To shape an individual’s personality, a person should stand out in a crowd which will make him special. The five main genetic characteristics that define a person’s individuality are:

  • Intellectual curiosity
  • Vigilance
  • How social a person is
  • Gratification
  • Patience

These are the characteristics that define an individual’s unique personality. These traits depict how extroverted, open – minded, agreeable, etc an individual is and helps to build his personal brand. These habits can be changed according to the circumstances and this helps in building a good personal brand.

STEP THREE: portraying personal image

Once an individual is confident about his personal brand he can showcase them! Some ways of starting:

  • Logo for own personal brand can be used in company profiles.
  • A unique e-mail signature can be introduced including all the required information for e.g. phone number, media icons, company websites, etc.
  • Building own personal profile or blogs through which messages could be received on topics a person is knowledgeable about.
  • Always ready to participate in networking events and meetings.

 STEP FOUR: Readership or recipients for a particular advertisement (TARGET MARKET).

 Investing time and energy into an audience is required to get the desired outcome. Target marketing is important for organizations and individuals to build a personal brand.

STEP FIVE: online search

If an individual is willing to get socially involved or looking for clients LINKEDIN is the best place to begin with.

STEP SIX: blog audience

To build a business many companies believe blogging to be the best step forward. If a company has its own website, blogging can be started. As a result of blogging, a company will have followers and can establish a long lasting personal brand of their own choice.

Some strategies for acquiring followers are:

  • boosting page views and sharing
  • interacting with group of people who work together and show their interests
  • sharing content available from on one website to another
  • recycling the existing content

Once a company is successful in gathering an audience, posting regular updates is mandatory.

STEP SEVEN: following an expert.

Celebrities or experts who have strong personal brands narrate the story as to how to build a personal brand. Following their footsteps can help you to build a strong brand.

Mark Cuban, Martha Stewart, Richard Branson have a very clear concept and an awesome brand. Their’s is a touch act to follow, but nothing is impossible. They have set very high standards and it’s never too late to start in the footsteps of people who have succeeded.

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