We all strive hard to meet our business milestones. #Milestones convert #BusinessPlans into concrete terms with #deadlines, #responsibilities and #budgets attached. However, it’s important to trust the timing while identifying your key business milestones.
Firstly you should schedule your key milestones. Some of your key milestones may include #HiringEmployees, developing and designing the products to sell, securing your office space, launching a #MarketingCampaign and so on. You should start by scheduling the large milestones first and then you can make space for smaller milestones to fit in. Ensure that the smaller milestones add up to become larger milestones.
Another important point you should consider while creating a timeline for your milestones is your past #accomplishments. This will help your #investors to assess what you have achieved and how much is still there to achieve. You would also do well to create a definite time frame for every key milestone you have scheduled. Include a start and end date for large milestones that may require months for #planning and #execution. For smaller milestones, a due date may be sufficient. Also, include milestones you may look to #achieve in a broader horizon; not in the immediate future. For example, you may keep a milestone to add a new product line or to add a new office in the next 5 years.
Last, but not the least, you should prepare your timeline chart for milestones in a format that is easy to follow. For example, you may use a #GanttChart to illustrate a schedule along with interdependencies related to specific #tasks. It will enable you to put in project start dates, project end dates along with hard deadlines.
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