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How You Define the Problem Determines Whether You Solve it

How You Define the Problem Determines Whether You Solve it

Are you stuck in finding the most feasible solution to a problem? Are you sure you have defined the problem well enough to really find a solution? Your ability to define the problem correctly helps you come up with a proper solution.

Yes, it’s been a well accepted fact that a problem well-defined often includes its solution within itself.

Don’t be surprised!

Mastering the ability to define problems is critical to business success. It’s an indispensable skill for every business owner. It requires patience and critical thinking. By defining a problem precisely, you can make it easier to solve, saving you money, time and resources in the process. So define problems better.

First, you should explore the present situation. Study the impact the problem is having and the consequences of not solving it. You should also study the impact of the problem on all concerned, at the emotional level.Define Problem

Once you have examined the present situation, you should draft a simple problem statement, in the simplest possible form.

Last, but not the least; ask yourself the reason why you are facing the problem at hand. Is it because of another problem? If yes, you should move away temporarily from the current problem to solve the ‘deeper’ problem. Do this repeatedly to dig deeper and deeper until you reach at the core of all the problems. It will help you find unexpected consequences and spot the “source problem”.

Such a process of “filtering” can also help you determine whether you are wasting your resources and time on problems not worth solving. Whether you are developing new processes, products or businesses, mastering the skill of defining problems would lead you to breakthrough solutions. Without this skill, you will end up missing opportunities and wasting resources big time!

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