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360 Degrees Virtual Assistance

Narrow Down your Personal Goals to Identify the Most Important Goal

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A recent survey conducted by the University of Scranton reveals that enjoying life to the fullest is one of the top New Year resolutions for 2014. People everywhere are striving to maintain a proper work-life balance. Indeed, life has become overly mechanical for all of us and taking measures to enjoy life to the fullest is one of the best ways to lead a healthy life by reducing the elevated stress levels. However, different people have different views about work-life balance. Balancing your professional life with your personal life is much different from reaching balance with equal weights on a weighing scale. Maintaining work-life balance is not about ignoring your work or to work less. It means spending and allocating time for your work appropriately so that it brings contentment.

Personal fulfillment vary from person to person. While some of us want to dedicate some quality time for our family, others prefer to utilize their spare time in learning new language skills or to acquire certification to progress at work. According to experts, you should be very specific about your personal goals. The ideal way is to narrow down your personal goals so as to identify the most important goal.

Once you understand what a perfect work life balance is, you should take measures in order to accomplish the balance. It is a known fact that adopting a new habit or breaking an old one needs considerable time, perseverance and practice. At the same time, it calls for “change”. So you have to be determined to ensure that the change happens. In order to make the change happen, try to identify the risk factors that are going to affect you if you do not make the change. For example, if you are always on the phone, will your relationships become stressed? Will it affect your health? Consider the consequences in order to realize why you should endeavor to make the change happen.

According to experts, jobs are the major cause of stress and anxiety. In the past few decades, stress related to job has risen significantly. If your professional life makes you anxious, it is high time you take effective measures to maintain a perfect work life balance. Moreover, it is not a daunting task at all. All you need is proper planning to bring in the required change. Soon you will notice that your productivity has enhanced and you will start feeling better inside and out.

You should always keep in mind that the company that you work with is not going to create a schedule for you so that you can maintain work life balance. The onus of maintaining the balance lies on your shoulders. It is you who should take control of the life you desire to life. It will no doubt, take some time to plan and to get used to the change but you can really accomplish your resolution this year with a little effort and discipline.

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